All about Arduino



The welcome tutorial is a welcome to my "All About Arduino" series of videos and training materials. In this tutorial, we cover the following:

  • A brief welcome to All About Arduino by Glenn (your guide)
  • Setting up the Arduino IDE
  • Device and Port Selection
  • Uploading our first couple of Arduino programs (sketches)
  • Programming techniques to make our lives a bit easier.

Parts list

To complete this tutorial you will need:

  • An Arduino Uno
  • Three (or more) LEDs with current limiting resistors (470 Ω) the resistors page for information about identifying resistor values. I will use 7 LEDs but 3 is enough for this step.
  • A momentary contact Normally Open push button - or two hookup wires can also work
  • One 10 KΩ resistor. Again, see the resistors page information about identifying resistor values.
  • A breadboard
  • Hookup wire
  • A working computer with the Arduino IDE installed (Windows, Mac, Linux or Raspberry Pi are all OK)
I will do most of my work on Windows, however if you have a Mac, or Linux based computer (including Raspbery Pi), you can still follow along.

Also, from here on out, I will assume that you have a working computer with the IDE (or the download Agent for the cloud based IDE) to which you can connect your Arduino.